Is there Accreditation Specific to Sports Management Programs?

If you are interested in studying sports management at a higher education institution, it is critical that you understand the importance of accreditation. Oftentimes, students will only focus on whether or not a school is regionally accredited without considering how important it is to find an agency that accredits only programs that are specific to the field. Regional accrediting is very important and it is something that you should review, but a recognition that is specific to professions in the sports industry can truly benefit you when you want to get interest from organizations, public bodies or recreation centers. Read this guide to understanding why field-specific credentials are important and what agencies exist so that you can start your search.

Why Should You Choose an Accredited Sports Leadership Degree Program?

If you are an exceptional athlete and a talented player, you can typically get attention from sports recruiters. If, however, you are not athletically inclined and you have a passion for sports, it is possible to work in the sports industry in a variety of different leadership roles. To do this, you need to be a skilled individual with a business acumen specific to the professional, school or recreational sector. This is the entire reason why people interested in working as sports managers will take formal degree programs.

An accredited formal degree program is the way to go for a number of reasons. When you take a program that has earned a credential of recognition from an accrediting body, you will know that the curriculum that you study has passed the assessment phase of the agency and meets the industry’s high standards. Schools can only be accredited by a field agency when they apply on their own and cooperate with the accredited officials in reviewing the curriculum and educational processes. Choosing programs that have gone through the lengthy accreditation process will ensure you become a part of a program committed to the field of sports leadership.

Agencies That Currently Accredit Programs that Develop Sports Managers

There are several different associations with accrediting councils that specialize in evaluating solely sports education programs. The most popular one is the Commission on Sports Management, also known as COSMA. The purpose of COSMA is to promote excellence in the field by recognizing institutions that continually deliver excellent educational programs. They are strict in their guidelines and have a developmental approach that contributes to improvement on a continual basis.

If you want to become an expert in physical education, you can also look for a specialized credential through the NCATE called SHAPE America. This ensures that physical educators at all levels are equipped to help children stay fit while reducing the likelihood of injury. Prospective coaches in all settings can choose to attend a school accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Coaching Education (NCACE), which is a national credential that prepares coaches to motivate, drive and teach their players.

Regional accrediting agencies review the entire school and assess many different factors. These specialized associations only focus on the quality of specific sports programs and not the entire list of school offerings. Make sure that you review the status of each school through these field specific accrediting agencies, so you can choose the right sports management program.

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