Columbia College


Sports Management Degrees Offered at Columbia College

Columbia College appears in our ranking of the Top 30 Bachelor’s in Sport Management Degree Programs.

Columbia College is a private liberal arts college that offers a wide array of degrees. These include undergraduate, graduate and certificates available through the traditional in-seat campus, at satellite locations throughout the United States, in the school’s evening classes or online. Those students interested in a future in sports management have several options at Columbia College.

A B.A. in Sports Management is offered online only. Students who wish to have face-to-face instruction can choose to complete the degree by combining in-seat and online classes. The degree focuses strongly on general business management but also includes 15 hours of sports business course along with the option for nine electives. Students are required to take classes like Sports Finance, Sports and Events Marketing and Sports in Society. Electives include Psychology of Sports, Theories of Coaching and Diversity in Organization, among others.

Students can also choose to pursue a more generalized management degree as a B.A. or a B.S. A degree in management can be obtained online, at the school’s home campus or in one of the satellite campuses. Likewise, students can major in any of a number of areas while minoring in management. Some of the other degrees that may be good alternatives to sports management include accounting, American studies, business administration, communication, English, finance, history, human resource management, human services, international business, management information systems, organizational leadership, philosophy, psychology, sport psychology or general studies.

About Columbia College

Columbia College was founded in 1851 as a private, female-only college. In its early days, the school had about 150 students. Today, there are about 20,000 students enrolled at Columbia College either online or in-seat. Though the student body numbers are large, the traditional day campus in Columbia, Missouri only has about 1,200 students. Small class sizes and close relationships with professors make Columbia College a popular choice for those who want to heavily focus on degree programs.

Along with its traditional and online campuses, Columbia College operates satellite campuses throughout the United States and in Cuba. Students can find Columbia College campuses from Hawaii to New York. The school also has a campus in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

In addition to Sports Management, Columbia College offers a wide array of degrees from its three schools: the School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences; the School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics and the Robert W. Plaster School of Business. Classes at the traditional day campus are led by many award-winning scholars, many of whom design and/or oversee the online classes.

Those students interested in sports may find a good fit at Columbia College. The school offers more traditional sports like basketball, baseball, cross country, soccer, volleyball, golf, softball and track and field. In addition, Columbia College offers bowling, lacrosse and a ground-breaking eSports league.

Columbia College was at the forefront of online education, offering a wide array of over 500 online classes and 18 degrees since its inception in 1995. In addition, the home campus has bolstered its efforts to offer excellence in business and management degrees by completing a new, multi-million dollar hybrid business school/residence hall facility.

Notable alums of Columbia College include Ron Stallworth, author of Black Klansman; Larry Young, Olympian and sculptor; sculptor Vinnie Ream, singer Jane Froman, actor Arliss Howard and a number of political leaders.

Columbia College Accreditation Details

Columbia College is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. This accreditation covers all campuses, both in-seat and online, to offer undergraduate degrees, graduate degrees and certificates. Columbia College goes through the re-accreditation process on a 10-year basis.

Columbia College Application Requirements

Columbia College applicants must complete an online application and provide high school transcripts. Those wishing to enroll in the college online must also offer identity authentication. Students will need to supply college entrance test scores or proof that they graduated in the top half of their high school class.

Columbia College prefers that traditional applicants score 21 or higher on the ACT or 1070 or higher on the SAT. The school also prefers that applicants have a high school GPA of at least 2.5. The online campus at Columbia College has open admissions.

Students who have previously attended other higher educational institutions can transfer their credits as long as they provide proof of completion with a GPA of 2.0 or higher. Columbia College also accepts AP credits.

Tuition and Financial Aid

Columbia College has kept its costs mostly even while the cost of higher education rises in public institutions. The cost of attending Columbia College varies. It depends upon whether the student is taking online, traditional or extending courses.

Students at the traditional campus are offered a five-year, tuition locked rate. This guarantees that a student will not see tuition costs rise during their studies. The cost of attending Columbia College on a full-time basis is about $24,000 per year. This cost covers 12 to 18 credit hours taken in class or online. It does not include residential costs, certain lab fees or books.

Students in the online or evening campus are charged $375 per credit hour. This rate is inclusive of any fees and books. Columbia College offers discounting for military members at $250 per credit hour.

Master’s degrees are offered through Columbia College at $490 per hour. Master’s courses may be taken in-seat or online.

Students who need help with paying or classes at Columbia College have access to many forms of financial aid and scholarships. The school recommends all students complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid at the time that they complete their admissions application. This FAFSA provides information that can be used to qualify for state and government grants. It is also used for certain needs-based scholarships.

Online students may qualify or certain grants. They can also use any outside scholarships to offset the cost of tuition. Traditional students have many more opportunities for scholarships, including means and merit based awards. Scholarships range from about $1,000 to full tuition.

Learn more about Columbia College at the school’s website.

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