Sports Management Degree Programs in Montana

Accredited sports management degree programs in Montana give students the background and skills they need to help athletes at the professional or amateur level. Though some states offer a number of different programs through various colleges, Montana has only one of these programs available, but some say it is one of the region’s best sports management programs.


Graduates of these programs may work at sports complexes and facilities, including those associated with the National Hockey League, National Football League, Major League Baseball or another professional organization. Others work at the college or high school level, but most working in these fields earn a college degree first.

Montana State University, Billings

The College of Allied Health Professions

Montana State University, Billings, better known as MSU Billings among its students, is a large public university located in the town of Billings, Montana. Originally established in 1927 as a state normal school, it was one of the first colleges in the state to train and educate teachers. It officially became a college in the 1940s after switching from certificate programs to degrees and adopted its current name in 1994. The university now offers three type of degrees to its students, including bachelor and graduate degrees. MSU Billings also established its own distance learning program that lets students take classes online. The university is home to the best of the accredited sports management degree programs in Montana.

Master of Science in Sport, Recreation, and Fitness Management

The University of Montana, Billings offers a Master of Science in Sport, Recreation and Fitness Management through its College of Allied Health Professions. It ranks as the best of the accredited sports management degree programs in Montana and in the region. The minimum number of credits students must complete to graduate is 36, which includes both electives and upper level sports management classes. After completing 12 credits of core management courses in statistics and principles, students must choose a concentration. They can specialize in coaching and school leadership or marketing and development. Students will then take 12 credits in the path they choose. The last component of the program is some type of capstone. After taking an internship and seminar course, students can either do an intensive research project or complete a thesis. The University of Montana, Billings allows students to choose a topic to complete this requirement.


        • Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities


1500 University Dr.
Billings, MT 59101
(406) 657-2011

Earning a college degree is the key to gaining success in a sports management field. These programs best prepare students for the future with networking opportunities and internships. The best accredited sports management degree programs in Montana provide students with all the skills to launch a successful career.